Posted March 6, 2021. Your Editor provides the following synopsis of the March 3, 2021 Board meeting, with assistance from your Roving Reporter, and with commentary and satire indicated in bold blue and pictures.
Editor’s Opening Monologue:
This edition is entitled “Did Someone Say Food?”
Food trucks: are the food trucks great or what?
A big shout out to Board member Eileen Olitsky who made it happen so that residents can experience culinary delights right here on campus. And I’ll go, how shall I say, out on a limb, and note that there were some surprising successes.
In fact, some of the stuff is so delicious it makes you want to cry.
Although sometimes one’s culinary enjoyment just depends on the service.
In fact, even in challenging times, we’re so fortunate that we have food that is tasteful and abundant.
And remember, it’s always nice to share the bounty with the grandkids.
And let’s face it, the food trucks sure beat shopping.
And while the food trucks can’t replace those fabulous pre-Covid19 dance parties we all loved at the clubhouse, it sure is a close second.
Also, and this is important, in case you’re worried about how all this great food might affect your health, well, frankly that’s what good doctors are for.
And worst-case scenario, if you really over-indulge, your best friend will be there to make sure you’re ok and to help with what’s most important.
Anyway, all this talk about food reminds me of a poem I wrote on September 9, 2019 which appears in my book, Bourgeois Poetry by Vicki Roberts (available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or via your Editor’s garage, whichever is easier for you):
The Food Addict
A delicious omelette with butter and toast,How could I resist what I love the most;On to the bagels with cream cheese and lox;After which I’m raiding the cookie box; Only hours ‘til lunch I am planning my haul,Shall it be deli or fish, I’d rather eat all;Then there’s my nosh later on in the day,Don’t block the kitchen, get out of my way! For dinner I’ll start with a big bowl of soup,Potato pudding’s divine, ok, just a scoop;The red meat is rare, the juices do flow,But once again I’m eyeing that cookie dough; To top it all off I’ll have the sorbet,It’s the beginning of the end of my food bingeing day;Right before bed there’s that last bit of cake,With my tummy so full, I can’t stay awake; Food is my lover, it coddles my pain,It’s my one drug of choice, my potent cocaine;I love how it tastes on my palate so fine,It shows me no mercy, I just can’t decline; Maybe one day the source will reveal,Why I attack it with such fervor and zeal;But for the moment I have much to do,There’s French toast to make and coffee to brew.
And now, to the cries or jeers of the readership (depending on your inclination), the monologue is over, and as you can see, I’m busy, so it’s time for me to go.
Board Meeting: Audio and Video Up and Running; Zoom meeting online starts at 9:29am.
Board Members Present:
Marion Weil (Board member and office of President)
Richard Greene (Board member and office of Treasurer)
Linda Arbeit (Board member and office of Secretary)
Bob Dingee (Board member)
Eileen Olitsky (Board member)
Sue Schmer (Board member)
Harvey Ginsberg (Board member)
[Editor’s note: Harvey’s tenure as not-vice-president is coming to a close. He only has two more Board meetings to claim this farce. His despair is palpable.]
Call to Order: Marion Weil.
Pledge of Allegiance: led by Eileen. [Editor’s note: Eileen had a flag and all Board members stood.]
Marion Weil: Point Of Personal Privilege:
“Around February 15th I received an anonymous letter containing libelous accusations against me signed by ‘Concerned Citizens of Cascade Lakes.’ The identities of the concerned citizens are actually known to me due to the references in the letter. Without going into detail, it seems the writers take exception to my duties as president of the Board of Directors. Additionally, the facts in the accusations are incorrect. The writers of this letter threatened to make their accusations public if I run for the Board.
I did put in my Intent to Run application as you all know because it was posted in an email blast from the property manager. One of the ‘Concerned Citizens of Cascade Lakes’ is in fact running for the Board. It is against the culture of Cascade Lakes to make derogatory statements about other residents. That is the only reason for my not disclosing the names of the concerned residents. When residents run for the Board, we try to present our best features and qualifications rather than diminish those of other Board applicants.
Through the years I have always encouraged residents to apply for the Board, because I truly want the best Board possible for the Association. For that reason, and only that reason, I am not going to ask the concerned residents to identify themselves at this meeting. So, if the cowards who had to send this anonymously somehow whisper in your ear or make good on publishing their drivel, you, too, will know who they are. Thank you.”
Marion Weil’s Opening Remarks and Announcements:
[Editor’s note: Your Editor was so incensed by the alleged attempted extortion referenced above that I could not concentrate on Marion’s opening remarks. See my comments below in the First Residents’ Input Session. At this juncture, therefore, I will just observe a universal truth.]
Residents’ Corner:
A resident wrote in about landscaping and had some great ideas. Here is an excerpt:
“Re: Landscape health:
Wouldn't Florida Friendly native plants--
-- eliminate fungal disease--(they're naturally disease resistant--
as they have natural defenses to the insects in this environment),
-- reduce water use (they're drought resistant; acquifer protective)
-- overcome our concern about "doing well" in shade (many thrive in shade)?
Not sure why money was spent--insect spraying oleanders. The caterpillar cocoons are nearby--but not ON the oleander. Cocoons survived that spraying...hmmmm
Maintaining our St. Augustine grass lawns
--requires regular loud noisy mowing,
--loud noisy edging
--(followed by stinky loud blowers blowing)
--and then there's the weeding by chemical (remember ROUNDUP?)
not by hand...
Florida-friendly landscaping ground covers would not only conserve water
but also prevent ground and noise pollution … plus put a dent in our million
dollar landscaping budget…”
First Residents’ Input Session:
[Editor’s note: ok, now let’s not get catty out there; just ask your question and then move on.]
1. Vicki Roberts: “Thank you. Do you have any Add-Ons today?” Marion: “I don’t believe so.” Vicki: “Thank you, then I would like to comment on your Point of Privilege. Uh, what you have described in your –" Marion: “excuse me, what you’re allowed to speak to in the Resident Input Session has only to do with the Agenda.” Vicki: “You made it part of the Agenda when you added it.” Marion: “no, ma’am.”
Vicki: “What you described sounds like an attempted extortion from what you say is a candidate and her acolytes. Now this attempted extortion, which is what it sounds like to me, is illegal, and you should consider filing a police report against these alleged attempted extortionists, because there’s no place in this community or anywhere for that matter for extortion on anyone.
And it’s infuriating to me, regardless of opposition and policy opinions and whatever else, issues, that anyone has with you or anyone in this community that you would receive such a letter. This is outrageous, it’s unacceptable, and if I were you, I would seriously consider filing a police report against this other candidate and her acolytes. Thank you.” Marion: “Thank you.”
Approval of Minutes: February 17, 2021 Board meeting: Linda Arbeit:
Linda: Motion to approve the Minutes of the February 17, 2021 Board meeting. Marion: seconded by Eileen. [Editor’s note: actually, this time Harvey was first in seconding it.] Marion: all in favor? Unanimous.
Property Manager’s Report: Deborah Balka: … mowing… 11 and 12, 25 and 26…phone books…costs…add on?...
[Editor’s note: after some discussion after the New Business matter below, the phone book matter will not be an add-on to this Agenda, but rather, it will appear on the March 17, 2021 Agenda after Board members have had an opportunity to review the binder choices and costs.]
Old Business:
[Editor’s note: These items are still being ignored. Details are found on our page entitled “Agenda Items.”]
A. Road Resealing
C. Rescission of the improper banning of Alex from the community
D. Improper use of HOA funds
E. Improper expansion of Presidential powers
F. Disabling of the Zoom meeting Chat function
H. Two incident reports
I. All incident reports are to immediately go to all Board members
J. Weekly email blasts; News & Views dedicated page for president; president assuming too many liaison positions that target communication and final decisions
K. Re-Vote for the office of Vice-President -- PRESENTLY VACANT
L. Eliminate Liaisons To Vendors; Property Manager and HOA Attorney To Report To All Board Members
M. Expenditures That Are Not Revealed To The Community Need to Be Openly Disclosed; Where Does Your Money Go?
N. Message Board Suspensions: any suspensions from the HOA message board that were never voted on by the Board at an open meeting need to be removed from those residents’ records. Suspensions are strictly governed by statute and the HOA governing documents. Webmasters have no authority to issue suspensions.
1. Allstate – storm cleaning $2,635 Angel Wing pod – Bob Dingee
Bob: got a quote from Allstate Resource Management, cleaning the catch basins and drains…periodic maintenance…included in the budget…not a pop-up…inspection has already been done…in January…$2,635 which includes $150 credit from the inspection…inspection was $300, so we’re getting half back. My proposal is to accept… Second: Linda. [Harvey tried to second the motion.] Marion: all in favor? Unanimous.
New Business:
1. PBB – Ficus replacement $1,510 – Marion Weil
Marion: proposal #16-21, revised, landscaping, Glenville West corner, remove and replace ficus…and install 41 Calusa three-gallon plants. Harvey: Second. Marion: Discussion? [silence] All in favor? Unanimous.
Second Residents’ Input Session:
1. Barry Gordon: Grove Ridge Lane. I see new stop signs, new sign on the back gate. It amazes me we spent all this money for a sign on the back gate you can hardly read and not lit. We took down the security sign. People can’t read or see it. Yesterday, new stop signs, I don’t see any difference. The old ones had red reflectors on it. Now, it’s a silver post with a new stop sign. Is this fiscal responsibility or what because it doesn’t seem like it to me.
Round Table Discussion:
[Editor’s note: in keeping with our food theme…]
Eileen: I’m good, thank you.
Linda: I’m good, thank you.
Harvey: I’m the liaison to Safety & Security. The stop signs are highly reflective. Why the stop sign was not placed lower: it was put up by FDOT standards, seven feet. These are county roads…compliant with every other stop sign in the county.
Bob: I’m fine.
Sue: I encourage all residents…Meet the Candidate Night. These are important decisions…will determine the direction this community goes…this is a democracy…I encourage you to participate…and I wish all candidates the best.
Richard: Pass.
Marion: Pass.
Harvey: motion to adjourn. Second: male voice. Marion: all in favor? [Unanimous].
Marion: 9:53am, shortest Board meeting in Cascade Lakes’ history.
9:54am: Harvey: somebody just signed in.
[Editor’s note: A big shout-out to Zoom operator Arnie Green and his assistant, Harvey Ginsberg, for doing a great job administering the Zoom meeting. We thank them for their service and volunteerism in operating the Zoom program.]
And so concludes the board meeting of March 3, 2021; next Board meeting: special Board Meeting on March 9, 2021 at 7:00pm. Cheerio until next time.
[Editor’s note: don’t forget to review our Cascade Lakes Election Report 2021!]