Your Editor has been informed that the Legal Advisory Group consists of the following three people, which are listed here in alphabetical order:
1. Vicki Roberts Andelson (your Editor, former Judge Pro Tem, TV legal commentator, and seasoned litigator and appellate practitioner)
2. Stewart Fried (former house counsel for Bali Bras)
3. Paul Friedlander (tax attorney)
Your Editor does not believe any other resident attorney is reviewing the contracts for the HOA. As of the writing of this portion of this synopsis, your Editor has already reviewed and extensively advised on two contracts for the HOA: the road resurfacing contract and a contract for an independent civil engineer to overlook the project.
Your Editor did receive a very nice email from Jeff on Thursday evening thanking your Editor for the workup, for the contents therein (“concise and to the point”), and for the quick turn-around time on the reviews (less than two hours each). This acknowledgement was appreciated.
2. PBB – Linda – Hurricane Cleanup (O)
Linda: if there is a hurricane, Palm Beach Broward will take care of it. Stump grinding, staked, prices for each individual work is listed on your PBB proposal. No money to approve; just PBB will take care of it. Motion to accept PBB’s proposed 2021 hurricane preparedness and cleanup. Second: Bob.
Deborah: you must choose: common area or common area with homes, but if a unit’s tree falls on our sidewalk they will remove. Linda: revise the motion, common area and homes. Several: no. Linda: common area only. Second: Harvey. Jeff: All in favor? Unanimous.
3. Road Paving – Bob – Engineering committee recommendations for road repaving $553,000 - $695,000 (R)
Bob: the engineering committee was working over a month getting quotes and information, resurfacing or resealing. Interviewed four contractors, three returned estimates; the two lowest came back in for a Q & A session. Spreadsheets to the Board. All of the vendors recommend not sealing.
Resurfacing – grinding of the road and putting fresh asphalt on top. Motion for the Board to approve a contract with All County Paving, repaving the roads and parking $552,982 plus other costs, approximately $618,000. Bid for replacement of entry and exit trip wires…depth 1 to 1 and ½ inches…quote $7,000 plus permit for the parking lot, not the roads, about $3,000 plus a 10% contingency, curbing repairs and hiring a civil engineer to oversee the project. I propose that it be reviewed by the appropriate person on the legal committee.
[Editor’s note: your Editor was presented with the proposal/contract and line-itemed it back to Jeff and Deborah only, per their request, in about an hour and half from when it was sent to me on Wednesday afternoon.]
Bob: Remove four trees – the island – roots affecting the curbing. Hire a civil engineer, we have a candidate, approximately $4-5,000 covered by the contingency. Board to make the decision, replacing the parking blocks, concrete blocks, about $5,500 out of the contingency fund. Jeff: second? Alan. Alan: Point of Order: I’m not clear, is it one basic motion and one traffic blocks. Bob: take as a single motion. $618,282 not to exceed. Alan: I’ll second.
[Editor’s note: there was some back and forth concerning some of the details of this project. Tree removal is not part of this project; that is coming out of the landscaping budget. Sue was concerned that the other bid not chosen had each component itemized and this one does not.]
Sue: If we had that…I would be comparing apples to apples…even comparing the same is different; there’s a difference between Granny Smith and Red Delicious.
[Editor’s note: Red Delicious hands down.]
Jeff: the full amount of the money is in the reserve. Will not be any assessment. In the future we will not be raising the money in the reserve.
[Editor’s note: Bob estimated the project to last three to four weeks and it will last for 20-25 years. Jeff thanked Bob and his committee, and Bob gave a special shout-out to Larry Jacobowitz. Deborah stated that the only reflectors needed are the blue ones by the fire hydrants. Jeff called the motion, and it was unanimous.]
Second Residents’ Input Session:
1. Mike Blackman: reopening the amenities…summer months, many families coming down; approximately when do you think we can open up the pool for people like grandchildren…
Jeff: I belong to the Presidents’ Club, approximately 34 communities, only one has opened up for guests, all are hoping to be able to open by July 1st. We don’t have to be the leader about that, the virus is still out there…
2. Joyce Winston: consider having an evening board meeting… Jeff: the next meeting is at night…7pm on the 19th of May.
3. Leonard Tannen: the road project, reflectors, is the bid including all of the restriping requirements of the roads…crosswalks… Bob: yes…striping, stop lines, center line, crosswalk, using thermal material and it is reflective. Therefore, the only reflectors we’re replacing are the blue ones for the fire hydrants.
4. Richard Levy: great job with the roadway, I agree with it 100%. What is a traffic stop? Bob: stop line, four stop signs. Richard Levy: what about drainage swells…repair? Bob: …we will look at those. Richard Levy: corners are breaking off, seams are opening up…
5. Eileen Olitsky: great job at the meetings, very impressive. Redoing the roads, a crosswalk at the back end of Cascade Lakes Blvd., is that in the plan? Bob: it was not but I’ll ask Deborah to put a note to the vendor; we will look into that.
6. Barbara Appleby: no assessment, my question is how is the reserve going to be replenished down the road? Richard Greene: it’s part of your maintenance fee…we continue putting in every year the same amount… Barbara: …dramatic increase in HOA fees? Jeff: not for the reserve. Same money we put in for the roads every year…no factor.
[Editor’s note: in the Chat function Mark Goodman wrote: “does the roads include striping and the reflectors.” These questions were answered by Bob earlier.]
7. iPad: [male voice never identified] You’ve never addressed the inconvenience to the homeowners, about parking, able to get in and out of your house…how long before you can ride on them? Bob: the projected inconvenience in front of your house is in two stages: grind down the pavement about one inch down, a half a day or less then sweeper then you can drive on the road. The next day will repave it, you’ll lose 3-4-5 hours, they will roll it, it sets, you will be able to drive…will be flagmen and a project manager…full time on site… Jeff: there will also be a schedule. Deborah: they’d like you to stay off for 24 hours, dry time. Jeff: or park on Piper’s Glen or the Boulevard.
[Editor’s note: actually, they recommend allowing up to 48 hours for it to cure or you may (make permanent tire marks on it and) void the warranty. The contract calls for them to barricade the “newly seal coated areas” for “24-48” hours.]
8. Mel Molofsky: any consideration for painting a crosswalk from Corbel to Angel Wing and people coming through the back gate pay no attention to them. Deborah: we’re going to look into that.
9. Steve Schlosser: if the roads are structurally sound, why are we spending $600,000 plus dollars to resurface? Bob: roads are still in the process of deteriorating…we are being preemptive… (instead of) waiting three or four years before it gets a lot worse… Steve: when are the facilities going to be completely open? Most of us are vaccinated.
Jeff: we hope to be able to open by July 1st. Only one has opened their clubhouse, none for card games; Avalon – billiards, arts and crafts, and meetings of less than 10 people. Other clubhouses we don’t know. The pool is open now full time from dawn to dusk. Tennis, pickleball, and bocce are back to normal.
Harvey: the only emergency order expires June 26. We already have a plan in place…I anticipate by July 1 we will put that plan in place…soft re-opening of the clubhouse…Jeff: there will still be restrictions, like every other table.
Steve: if we’re all vaccinated, why restrictions? [Editor’s note: really? You have empirical evidence that every single resident is vaccinated? No, you are incorrect.] Jeff: we don’t know that, and we’re not allowed to ask that question. [Editor’s note: this is a medical privacy issue.] Jeff: I know people here who are not vaccinated. Steve: others don’t have to go to the clubhouse. [Editor’s note: how refreshingly inclusive and caring of this myopic, self-centered individual.] Jeff: you can’t keep them out; they pay the same dues you and I do…we’ll see what happens.
10. Richard Levy: along with the resurfacing, is this company offering you a warranty or guaranty regarding the maintenance or any problems with the roads? Bob: one year warranty to cover installation problems. It is the same contractor used in many of the roads in the area.
Round Table Discussion: